Articles on: Getting Started

What types of information can be obtained through ScrapIn API?

The ScrapIn lookup provides a comprehensive array of information for both individuals and companies.

For individuals, it offers various personal and professional details, including but not limited to LinkedIn information, name, professional headline & job title, location, profile picture, social media engagement (followers), employment history, education, skills, and a direct link to their LinkedIn profile.

For companies, the data encompasses website URL, company name, logo, employee statistics, a brief description, tagline, specialties, headquarters information, industry type, universal name, and LinkedIn specifics, including the company's LinkedIn page and ID. This rich dataset can be instrumental in understanding professional profiles and corporate entities more deeply.

Here all data you can find with ScrapIn:

PersonemailTypeEmail TypeType of the email address (professional/personal)
PersonpublicIdentifierPublic IdentifierPublic identifier of the person
PersonlinkedInIdentifierLinkedIn IdentifierLinkedIn identifier of the person
PersonfirstNameFirst NameFirst name of the person
PersonlastNameLast NameLast name of the person
PersonheadlineHeadlineProfessional headline of the person
PersonlocationLocationLocation of the person
PersonphotoUrlPhoto URLURL to the profile picture of the person
PersonfollowerCountFollower CountNumber of followers the person has on LinkedIn
PersonconnectionCountConnection CountNumber of connections the person has on LinkedIn
PersonpositionsPositionsEmployment history of the person
PersonschoolsSchoolsEducational background of the person
PersonskillsSkillsList of skills the person possesses
PersonlinkedInUrlLinkedIn URLURL to the person's LinkedIn profile
CompanywebsiteUrlWebsite URLURL to the company's website
CompanynameNameName of the company
CompanylogoLogoURL to the company logo
CompanyemployeeCountEmployee CountNumber of employees in the company
CompanydescriptionDescriptionDescription of the company
CompanytaglineTaglineTagline or motto of the company
CompanyspecialitiesSpecialitiesList of specialities or areas of expertise of the company
CompanyheadquarterHeadquarterHeadquarter details of the company including Country, State, City, and Zip code
CompanyindustryIndustryIndustry type of the company
CompanyuniversalNameUniversal NameUniversal name of the company
CompanylinkedinUrlLinkedIn URLURL to the company's LinkedIn page
CompanylinkedinIdLinkedIn IDLinkedIn ID of the company

Updated on: 06/10/2024

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