We're sorry to hear you're thinking of leaving us. To cancel your active subscription, please follow these steps:
Log in to Your Account: Access your account by logging in on our website. You can find the login link at the top right corner of the homepage.
Navigate to 'Plans & Pricing': Once logged in, go to the 'Upgrade' section in your account dashboard. This is where you can view all your current and past subscriptions.
Cancel your subscription: Find the "Cancel my subscription" button next to it.
Cancel Your Subscription: Look for the "Cancel my subscription" button next to your active plan. (This button will only appear if you have an active subscription.)
Just a heads-up: Once you confirm the cancellation, all the features included in your subscription will be canceled immediately. If you're simply looking to restart your billing cycle, check out our quick guide here.
If you need any help or have questions, our friendly customer support team is ready to assist you via chat on our support website.